Thursday, February 23, 2012

Slackin off a bit, but we're still alive!

Here is a little look at what we've been up to the last month or two...

Our friends took us to Knaus Berry Farm (not to be confused with the theme park) where we ate their famous homemade cinnamon rolls and fresh strawberry shake.

So yummy!
 Danny, Mike and Cora Herrero
 Had to take an engagement pic
 Aaron's birthday was January 24th. He turned the big 29 but as most people would agree, he doesn't look a day over 21 (haha). We went to a restaurant called the Rusty Pelican that was so delicious and was in a great location on Key Biscayne.
 And here is the Rusty Pelican himself!
 You can't see it in the picture, but the maitre de was watching Aaron with his best blue steel impression

 Our friend Jauber from the ward invited us to hang out with him and his cousin from Brazil. Although there was a language barrier, we had a lot of fun hanging out with them and going to our first Miami Heat game.
 Aaron wasn't able to eat his salad and drive at the same time, so he took it along with him to eat before we got to the stadium. It just so happened to be a rather windy day, so pieces of lettuce were flying through the air. He had to tip his bowl almost completely sideways to keep it all in. We were laughing the whole way there as my husband made a fool of himself.